The Sisterhood of Motherhood
I am a woman... a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother. I have many loves in my life, I have people who love me. I feel loved, I know I am loved. I am supported and cared for. I care for and support others. I live a fairly simple life, have a nice home, food, water. I am grateful.
It sounds, in those simple terms stated above, that for me life is smooth and well taken care of... and in a way, yes it is, but I stop and take a step back.... and I look at the bigger picture. I think about everything that I have done in my life, in these last 36 years, and realize that through it all, one of the single greatest challenges has been finding my "tribe" / my "community" outside of my immediate and close family. Building a network... a SISTERHOOD of Mothers and women that I can call on, count on, be surrounded by. Women who value my opinions, dreams, troubles... who listen and hold space, who love my children with a fierceness and who I love and trust. A community, that one time, would have been close-knit and dependable due to a need to survive... before sprawling subdivisions and technology... villages of woman and girls working side by side, embracing and welcoming womanhood, not fearing body changes or trying to "hide" their newly forming breasts or menses. A community where girls, women, mothers, grandmothers had each others backs through the heartbreak of a miscarriage, illness, food shortage, home fire, death. To comfort those filled with grief was natural instead of taboo. I have come to understand that in this time, in this country, the likelihood of me living in this type of close-knit village is slim, so instead I have sought out my own version of this village. I have created bonds in every location that I have lived, lifelong bonds. I seek out women whom I know will forever be part of my forever tribe. My tribe, my community, my sisterhood is growing and I am glowing with the love and warmth that it fills my heart. I made technology my friend, a way to bridge distance, a way to educate and inspire. I have supported girls and women as a Naturopathic Doctor; listened, respected, educated... and although medical practice was not my passion and calling in this life, this experience and training was a major part of my realization that I want to play a role in other women's journey's as they find and build their own Sisterhood of Womanhood... of Motherhood... This is where my passion to hold Group Motherhood Photography Sessions took root. These sessions are more than photos... they are bonding, inspiring, nurturing... a meeting of other Mothers in your area, they are a way of capturing and sharing this moment with the world. Building a community can take on many forms. For someone, it may be that just seeing the imagery gives them hope and strength. Whether that hope and strength propels them to continue nursing their toddler when family or friends disagree, whether it gives them the courage to start a local Mommy-Group, whether it allows them to stand up for a personal value that they believe in with regards to their body/baby/lifestyle. In all these ways, we are building a Community... A Sisterhood. Mothers out there, I believe in you! Find your Mommas and Women. Stand together in your similarities and your differences. Support and love each other fiercely. Be a friend, feel with your heart, follow your intuition, love yourself... mind-body-spirit-... and help other woman do the same. The WOMAN is a symbol of LIFE. Teach our young girls this. Be there for each other, truly, with your whole heart! We are Girls, We are WOMEN, We are Daughters, We are Mothers... We are a SISTERHOOD! I look forward to meeting so many more of you amazing women! I look forward to inspiring you through my photography, events, and words! So much love from Welcome Arms, Mandy |
I look forward to sharing more Motherhood group session dates soon!
Motherhood Sessions incorporating CIRCLE, sharing YOUR Story... love, support, & IMAGERY to cherish always.
Follow my Facebook page or Instagram @welcomearms !